Tutorial VI – Troop statistics, or how to design the ‘super soldier’
Playing a game of Rising Empires 2 without having at least some armies and border patrols can be a tough challange. Playing a game without…
Playing a game of Rising Empires 2 without having at least some armies and border patrols can be a tough challange. Playing a game without…
One of the most important resources in Rising Empires is food. Food is needed to feed your ever-hungrier population. If you feed them…
The corruption system in Rising Empires is built around the fact that larger, more wide-spread, empires have increasing issues with keeping a tight…
The loyalty system in Rising Empires is built around the fact that it should be ‘relatively’ easy to keep your own race happy,…
In this second Rising Empires 2 tutorial we will talk about research. How it works, the difference between primary and secondary research projects…
In this first Rising Empires 2 tutorial we will show an example on how to play the first turn. If you have not…
Improving farm level in a sector All populated settlements (towns, cities and capitals) collect food from sectors within their sight. This is done…
With the 2.3.7 “Ships and fleets” update it became possible to ship armies over the dark waters on the Surface and down in…
An effective way to cripple the economy of your enemy is to put their coastal cities under naval blockades. By blockading an enemy…
The work with the coming update ‘Ships and fleets’ is progressing very well and I hope to be able to launch the update…