Improving farm level in a sector
All populated settlements (towns, cities and capitals) collect food from sectors within their sight. This is done at the end of each turn and the total amount of food collected determine how big population that can live in the settlement.
A settlement can increase the farm level in many types of terrain in order to increase the food production. How many turns it takes to improve a sector depend on the settlement type. Only one sector can be improved at a time.
Settlements and their improve farm level capacity:
Settlement type: | Turns to improve a sector: |
Small town | 3 |
Large town | 3 |
City | 2 |
Province capital | 1 |
Capital | 1 |
Each completed improve farm level project increases the farm level in the sector with 1 (the maximum farm level is 9). The cost for improving the farm level in a sector depends on the level it will be improved to.
Cost for increasing to this farm level:
Level reached: | Cost (Gold): |
1 | 250 |
2 | 500 |
3 | 800 |
4 | 1150 |
5 | 1500 |
6 | 2250 |
7 | 3100 |
8 | 4000 |
9 | 5000 |
All empires start with the ability to improve farm level to 1 in the following terrain types: Plains, Oasis, Open Cave, Forest, Broken Ground, Hills, Broken Cave and Forest Cave. Further improvement depends on the technological advancement of your empire.
How to build castles?
Building a castle differ very much from building a watchtower. A watchtower only takes a single turn to complete and require little manpower. A castle, on the other hand, takes multiple turns and requires a large workforce of engineers to be completed.
To start constructing a castle you need the complete the technology ‘Castle construction’, a completed watchtower in the sector and at least 1 company with the ability engineer.
A castle construction requires 10.000 engineer hit points to be completed (engineer hit points is the sum of the strength of all engineer companies * hit points). Each turn an army work on a castle project it cost 1.000 gold.
For example, a human army with one Engineer Company of 500 soldiers (equals to 1.000 engineer hit points) would need 10 turns to construct a castle for a cost of 10.000 gold. If the company would be half-strength, i.e. 250 soldiers, it would need 20 turns for a cost of 20.000 gold.
During the construction of the castle the army may not move from the sector, if it does all progress will be lost. New Engineer companies may be transferred to the army to hasten the construction. If the empire treasury would run empty there won’t be any progress until more funds are available (progress will not be lost) but the army still need to remain in the sector.
How to build citadels?
Building a citadel is similar to building a castle. To start constructing a citadel you need the complete the technology ‘Citadel construction’, a completed castle in the sector and at least 1 company with the ability engineer.
A citadel construction requires 30.000 engineer hit points to be completed (engineer hit points is the sum of the strength of all engineer companies * hit points). Each turn an army work on a citadel project it cost 1.000 gold.
For example, a human army with one Engineer Company of 500 soldiers (equals to 1.000 engineer hit points) would need 30 turns to construct a citadel for a cost of 30.000 gold. If the company would be half-strength, i.e. 250 soldiers, it would need 60 turns for a cost of 60.000 gold.
During the construction of the citadel the army may not move from the sector, if it does all progress will be lost. New Engineer companies may be transferred to the army to hasten the construction. If the empire treasury would run empty there won’t be any progress until more funds are available (progress will not be lost) but the army still need to remain in the sector.
How to build companies?
All populated settlements can build companies, although settlements with smaller population groups can only build settlers. The time it takes to build a company depend on the settlement, what company type is being produced and the buildings present. Barracks and other special buildings can decrease the time it takes for a settlement to complete a company.
Civilian and military companies
Settlements can always build civilian companies. For example, if you would wish to abandon a settlement you need to build civilian companies until all population has been emptied and the settlement will be disbanded automatically at the end of the turn.
Military companies require more from the population and not all civilians are suited for wielding arms. A settlement that wishes to build a military company must have at least 2000 civilians of the correct race in the settlement. Krant companies, which have 1000 in strength instead of 500, require at least 3000 Krant civilians.
Strength of new companies
The number of men in a company is called its strength. All companies are built with full strength, 500 soldiers. But there are a few exceptions:
- Full strength for Krant companies is 1000 soldiers.
- Company types which have the Scout ability (for example the start scout company) are always built with a strength of 50 soldiers.
- When building civilian companies from small population groups the strength is limited by the size of the population. For example, if a settlement build a Human settler company and there is only 300 Human civilians in the settlement, then the settler company will be built with a strength of 300 settlers.
Production queues
It’s possible to order a settlement to build multiple companies in a row at the same time. A settlement will automatically start to build the next company as it completes its current company. Only one company can be built each turn.
The cost of building new companies
All companies have a wages value. This is the cost maintaining the company for 1 turn. It cost 3 times its wages to start building a military company and for civilian companies to cost to start building is 1 times its wages (they require less training and equipment). This cost will be withdrawn when the settlement start building the company. When cancelling a company currently being built no funds will be returned.
When building a scout company with only 50 men the cost decreases following this formula: (((maximum strength-wanted strength)/maximum strength)/2)*100 %. A company with strength 50 will cost 45% less to build than a company with strength 500. For Krant the cost decreases with 47.5% when building a scout company.
Build times
All companies have a build time value. This value says how much build points a settlement must put into building the company for it to be completed. All start companies require 100 build points and can be completed in a single turn by a capital, but companies designed by your empire will take longer time to build.
Each turn a settlement generates build points and these are used to decrease the build time value of the company being built. The number of build points depends on the type of settlement and what buildings it has constructed. When the build time value has reached 0 the company is completed and it will be attached to a new army in the settlement. When the company is completed the population in the settlement will be decreased.
Settlements and their basic build times:
Settlement type: | Basic build value: |
Small town | 15 |
Large town | 30 |
City | 45 |
Province capital | 90 |
Capital | 100 |
The most common buildings and their build values:
Building type: | Bonus to settlement build value: |
Barrack 1 | +50 |
Barrack 2 | +100 |
Barrack 3 | +150 |
Barrack 4 | +200 |
Weapon smith | +50 |
Armourer | +50 |
Recruitment centre | +50 |
When building a scout company with only 50 men the build time decreases following this formula (same as the cost for building the company): (((maximum strength-wanted strength)/maximum strength)/2)*100 %. A company with strength 50 will be 45% faster to build than a company with strength 500.
How to build roads?
Roads are an important part of the infra structure of all empires. It allows faster movement between towns and cities and might be the difference between stopping an invading army and losing your empire.
There are three road levels; I (a classical dirt road), II (a gravel road which withstands weather better) and III (a paved road with cobblestones). These decrease the cost of movement points to enter the sector with 3, 4 and 5 respectively and as moving through easy terrain like plains and open caves only cost 10 movement points this is a huge increase of speed.
Roads require technology to be built. For level I the empire must complete Road building I, for level II requires Road building II and level III requires Road building III.
To construct a road an army need at least one company with the Engineer ability and it must be within the sight range of an outpost (example watchtower) or a settlement like a town or a city. This means that roads can only be constructed inside territory controlled by your empire.
Road construction is a major undertaking and each road requires 5.000 engineer hit points to be completed (engineer hit points is the sum of the strength of all engineer companies * hit points). Each turn an army work on a road it cost 250 gold. Upgrading a road, for example from level I to level II, is done by constructing a new road on the same sector as the old road.
For example, a human army with one Engineer Company of 500 soldiers (equals to 1.000 engineer hit points) would need 5 turns to construct a road for a cost of 1.250 gold. If the company would be half-strength, i.e. 250 soldiers, it would need 10 turns for a cost of 2.500 gold.
During the construction of the road the army may not move from the sector, if it does all progress will be lost. New Engineer companies may be transferred to the army to hasten the construction. If the empire treasury would run empty there won’t be any progress until more funds are available (progress will not be lost) but the army still need to remain in the sector.
How to build squadrons?
Only coastal settlements with shipyard capacity can build squadrons. Unlike the case with company productions, settlements do not have any basic shipyard value. The time it takes to build a squadron depend only on the buildings with shipyard capacity in the settlement.
Strength of new squadrons
The number of ships in a new squadron depend on what type of squadrons that is constructed. The standard number of ships in a squadron is 3 but squadrons with transport ships normally have 6.
Production queues
It’s possible to order a settlement to build multiple squadrons in a row at the same time. A settlement will automatically start to build the next squadron as it completes its current squadron. Only one squadron can be built each turn.
The cost of building new squadrons
All squadrons have a wages value. This is the cost maintaining the squadron for 1 turn. It cost 3 times its wages to start building a squadron. This cost will be withdrawn when the settlement start building the squadron. When cancelling a squadron currently being built no funds will be returned.
Build times
All squadrons have a build time value. This value says how much build points a settlement must put into building the squadron for it to be completed. The simplest galley squadron require 100 build points and can be completed in two turns in a settlement with the simplest shipyard. More advanced squadrons will take longer time to build.
Each turn a settlement generates build points and these are used to decrease the build time value of the squadron being built. The number of build points depends on the buildings that has been constructed in the settlement. When the build time value has reached 0 the squadron is completed, and it will be attached to a new fleet in the settlement.
The most common buildings and their build values:
Building type: | Bonus to settlement build value: |
Shipyard 1 | +50 |
Shipyard 2 | +75 |
Shipyard 3 | +100 |
Shipyard 4 | +150 |
Craftsmen guild I | +10 |
Craftsmen guild II | +25 |
Craftsmen guild III | +50 |
How to build watchtowers?
Watchtowers are an important part of all empires border defence. They are small tree and stone towers placed in areas with good view of their surroundings. This gives them a good ability to spot enemies lurking close to your borders.
Watchtowers can be built by companies with the ‘Engineer’ or the ‘Scout’ ability. When an army with an engineer or scout company is ordered to build a watchtower it will do so in the same sector as the army is located in. The cost for building a new watchtower is 1000 gold and the company building the watchtower will lose 25 soldiers as they are required to man the watchtower. The army must have at least 10 movement points to build a watchtower and these will be used up by the action.
Watchtowers may be erected on just about all terrain types except on water, high mountains, soft rock or solid rock. These terrains are impassable for most types of armies. Watchtowers may neither be erected on sectors with a cave opening or that already have a settlement/outpost of any kind.
If the army have both Scout and Engineer companies the Engineer will always be the building company if it has the required 25 soldiers.
How to burn a forest sector?
All races, excl. the elves, gain more food from plains than forests. The dark forests are feared and slow to pass through. The solution is simple – burn them down! Burning down a forest sector will create plains or an open cave sector instead (depending on the level). Extensive use of this option might cause distress among the elven minority in your empire (if you have any) and among your elven neighbours… Burning forests works in a similar way to improving terrain.
Settlements and their burn forest capacity:
Settlement type: | Turns to burn down the forest in a sector: |
Small town | 5 |
Large town | 5 |
City | 3 |
Province capital | 1 |
Capital | 1 |
Only forest and forest caves can be converted to plains and open caves. The elven faction in a settlement cannot be higher than 25% of the total population and it cost 2500 gold. The farm level in the sector will be reset to 0. No technology is needed.
How to construct buildings?
All populated settlements can construct buildings, although the time it takes to complete a building depends on the type of settlement and the type of other buildings present. Craftsmen guilds can decrease the time it takes to complete a building.
There is a small cost of 500 gold to start constructing a building and most buildings require maintenance in order to fully function.
How many buildings can a settlement have?
The number of buildings you can construct in a settlement depends on its total population and what type it is.
Settlements and their number of buildings:
Settlement type: | 1 building for start of each: | Buildings: |
Small town | 500 civilians | 1-10 |
Large town | 1000 civilians | 11-15 |
City | 1500 civilians | 16-25 |
Province capital/Capital | 2500 civilians up to 50000. After that 1 building for each 5000 civilians | 26+ |
Building types
There are four types of limitations on buildings:
Unbuildable – This are special buildings, for example the Royal Gardens that each Capital start with, that can’t be built. If a building of this type is destroyed it can never be rebuilt.
One per settlement – Only one type of this building can be constructed in each settlement.
One per empire – This are special buildings, for example the Palace that each Capital start with, that can only be constructed in one settlement in the empire. If a building of this type is destroyed it can be rebuilt.
Unlimited – There are no limitations on these buildings. Each settlement can construct multiple buildings of this type to improve their effect. Many basic building types are of this type.
All buildings also belong to a building type. This is a general classification of their effect in the settlement.
List of all building types:
Economy, Food, Loyalty, Magic, Military, Population, Production, Research and Unique
Some buildings also require that the settlement is of a certain type in order to be constructed.
Production queues
It’s possible to order a settlement to construct multiple buildings in a row at the same time. A settlement will automatically start to construct the next building as it completes its current building.
Construction costs
The cost for starting to build each building is 500 gold.
Construction times
All buildings have a construction time value. This value says how much construction points a settlement must put into constructing the building for it to be completed. All start buildings require 100 construction points and can be completed in a single turn by a capital.
Each turn a settlement generates construction points and these are used to decrease the construction time value of the building being built. The number of construction points depends on the type of settlement and what buildings it has constructed previously. When the construction time value has reached 0 the building is completed and it will be added to the list of buildings in the settlement.
Settlements and their basic construction times:
Settlement type: | Basic construction value: |
Small town | 20 |
Large town | 30 |
City | 45 |
Province capital | 90 |
Capital | 100 |
The most common buildings and their construction values:
Building type: | Bonus to settlement construction value: |
Craftsmen guild 1 | +25 |
Craftsmen guild 2 | +50 |
Craftsmen guild 3 | +100 |
How to demolish buildings in a settlement?
Demolishing buildings are done in the buildings list inside the settlement screen. Any number of buildings can be demolished at no cost each turn. Note that demolishing is instantaneous and it’s is possible to demolish a building to make room for constructing a new building the same turn.
When completing research of improved versions of a building the former building must be demolished to make room for the new building, already built buildings can’t be ‘upgraded’.
How to grow a new forest sector?
Elves depend very much on their forests. Their footmen move faster in forest terrains than the other races and their settlements gain a large bonus to the food output while receiving far less food from all other types of terrains. This combined makes it important for elven empires to expand the forests around their settlements. Growing forests works in a similar way to improving terrain.
Settlements and their grow forest capacity:
Settlement type: | Turns to grow forest in a sector: |
Small town | 6 |
Large town | 6 |
City | 4 |
Province capital | 2 |
Capital | 2 |
Only plains and open caves can be converted to forest terrain. The population in a settlement must be at least 50% elves to grow a new forest and it cost 2500 gold. The farm level in the sector will be reset to 0. No technology is needed. The sector where the settlement wish to grow a new forest must border a sector with an already existing forest, i.e. it’s not possible to create new forest domains, only to expand already existing forest domains.
How to settle a new area or moving population to an already existing settlement?
Companies with the ‘Settler’ and ‘Conquered Settler’ ability are counted as civilian population. These company types can be used to move population between your settlements. Conquered settlers (often labour squads) can only be used to move conquered races to already existing settlements but settlers (your own population) also has the ability to settle uninhabited territories and build new towns. Armies with a mix of settlers and conquered settlers can also be used for this, then the settlers create the new town and the conquered settlers are used to fill up the population.
A settler must have at least 250 in strength in order to create a new town; else they can only be used to move population to already existing settlements. When an army with settlers or conquered settlers are ordered to settle a sector they will settle the same sector as the army is located in. If there already is a settlement in the sector they will be used to increase its population, else they will build a new town.
The cost for using this order is 2500 gold. The army must have at least 10 movement points to build a town and these will be used up by the action. Leaders in the army will be transferred to the settlement if needed.
New towns may be erected on most terrain types except on water, high mountains, desert, soft rock, solid rock and tunnelled corridors. Towns may neither be erected on sectors with a cave opening or on sectors that borders another settlement. If a settlement is erected on a watchtower the watchtower will be replaced by the new town. Towns may not be erected on sectors with a castle or citadel.
How to disband an army?
Armies may be disbanded at any time except when they are embarked on a fleet, although it’s always best to disband an army inside one of your own settlements.
The cost in gold to disband an army is equal to the total number of hit points in the army, i.e. the total number of soldiers multiplied by their racial hit point value. If this cost can be met and the army is garrisoned in one of your settlements the soldiers will become part of your civilian population again. If they aren’t garrisoned inside one of your settlements they will disperse with the wind never to be seen again.
How to disband a fleet?
Fleets may be disbanded at any time except when they carry one or more embarked armies.
The cost to disband a fleet is 25 gold for each ship in the fleet. Each squadron normally consists of three or more ships. Even if this fee can’t be met by an empty treasury the fleet will be disbanded. As much as possible of the disband fee will be paid until the treasury runs empty.
How to reinforce an army?
Armies with companies that have less than full strength, i.e. 500 soldiers (Krant 1.000 soldiers) can be reinforced in settlements that have a population of the same race as the companies needing new recruits. Scout companies have a full strength of 50 soldiers. Similar to when constructing new companies a settlement must have at least 2.000 civilians of the correct race in the settlement (Krant 3.000 civilians).
Reinforcing a company can take several turns depending on the barracks/construction value of the settlement. For each barracks and recruit point one hit point can be reinforced each turn (excl. stables). Example, a capital with the first type of barracks building can reinforce 150 hit points each turn (a regular human soldier has 2 hit points).
The cost of recruiting one soldier is higher than when the company was first constructed. Each soldier cost 6 times their normal wages (instead of 3 times their normal wages when built originally).
If the army moves while reinforcing its ranks the reinforcement will be stopped. If the empire treasury would run out during reinforcement no more recruits will be added to the companies until more funds are available (the order will not be cancelled and they will continue automatically when funds are available). If the army is involved in combat during the turn it won’t be able to recruit any new soldiers that turn but the order will not be cancelled.
How to repair a fleet?
Fleets with squadrons that has lost ships or with ships that are damaged can be repaired in settlements with repair buildings. The repair value of a building defines how many structural points that can be repaired each turn.
A damaged squadron will first repair any damaged ships, and first when all ships are repaired a new ship will be constructed to replace a lost ship in the squadron. A new ship will start with only 1 structure point and will need to be repaired to full capacity.
The cost of repairing one structure points is three times the squadron wages divided by the total structure points of all ships in a full-strength squadron of the same type.
Example, a galley squadron cost 500 in wages. Each squadron has 3 ships with 10 structure. To repair one structure in a galley squadron would cost (3*500)//3*10) = 50 gold.
If the fleet moves while being under repair the reparations will be stopped. If the empire treasury would run out during repairing no more structure will be repaired until more funds are available (the order will not be cancelled and they will continue automatically when funds are available).
Pillaging terrain
Pillaging terrain is the opposite of improving terrain but where settlements work hard to improve the infrastructure in a sector armies just torch it all and scare away the peaceful farmers. Even so it takes some time to pillage a sector; the army must have at least 10 movement points to pillage a sector and these will be used up by the action.
An army also need at least 250 soldiers to pillage a sector and for each 250 soldiers the sector will decrease one terrain level. Pillaging a sector also has other rewards, for each improvement level that is pillaged your empire will gain 500-1000 gold for the treasury. An army with, for example, 500 soldiers will pillage two terrain levels and gain 1000-2000 gold while an army with 450 strength will only pillage 1 terrain level and gain 500-1000 gold.
Movement is done before pillaging and for a fast army it’s possible to move to a sector and pillage it in a single turn.
Important note – Only sectors that has been improved, i.e. has a terrain level above 0, can be pillaged.